The worlds of Yume Nikki are all so very interesting! Some of them can be expansive, dark spaces filled with strange objects, such as an eye or a limb, looping over and over. Others can be seen as more comforting, straying from the common atmosphere of unfamiliar, disorienting locations. Of course, every player interprets these worlds differently! For example, one can find Snow World to be a tranquil place while another can find it to be isolating ..!
One thing that fascinates me about all these locations is how they all connect to each other. Madotsuki, when asleep, starts off in the Nexus, a small space with 12 doors that each lead to different worlds. As you venture more into these Nexus doors, you will find connections that lead to even deeper and deeper locations. Some might even lead to another world you have seen before, or maybe it will lead to a subarea you’ve never seen that takes place in a familiar world .. They’re all connected so carefully!

The worlds of Yume Nikki are diverse! They can be described in a variety of ways .. It all really depends on how you, the player, interprets them! Here I will share a few screencaps and some of my thoughts on these locations ..!
A beautiful place ... This exact spot in Sky Garden reminds me of going to the city and walking along the bay at night ... good memories! ^_^ The music is especially tranquil here too ... It makes me a bit sleepy -_- Zzzzz ...
This place is actually my favorite spot in the entire game!!! "Crossover Garden" is a really cool name in my opinion ... It is named that because it serves as the transition between Sky Garden and Ghost World! The swaying, White Flowers against the Pure Black background makes for such a Beautiful little area as well ... Love this place!
An expansive sea of pink decorated with colorful ballons and strange, spire-like structures ... These Endearing visuals coupled with the rather Ominous music makes for quite the Interesting location .. It feels mysterious!
Another place I find quite calming -_- Zzzzz ... The first room of the spaceship is quite striking to me because when I first visited this place, I found the "eye" on the wall a little Unsettling O_o ... Though, it wasn't long until I wandered into the room where Masada resides in and that initial feeling wore off! Figuring out you could interact with the Piano to Play a few Notes was pretty Awesome and made for some great Fun! ^_^
A Snowy World of Numerous Trees and Igloos! There are a few points of Interest here ... Notably the Sleeping Girl in one igloo, a Bed surrounded by trees that may lead Madotsuki to the Staircase of Hands, and a peaceful Toriningen! (For those who don't know, the Toriningen serve as the game's chasers, that meaning they have the ability to trap Madotsuki in her own dream with the only way to escape being to wake up ... There are peaceful ones who don't do this however, like this Snow World one!) The Music that plays here is among my Favorites of the Game's Soundtrack ... It really adds to the Snowy atmosphere!
Barracks Settlement is Among the most Gloomy areas in the Game ... The song That plays Here inflicts a Certain type of Dread ... It makes Me feel Quite Sad T_T ... I like How the residents Here look though, They are Quite cute! The Specific place in the Screencap above is One I find very Cool bcuz of All the Buildings Looking at U ... O_o!
Neon World is a Fun little Nexus world! It's bright, It's flashy, It's colorful, And there are Tons of little NPCs strewn About that Make all sorts Of different Noises upon Interaction!!! The music That plays Here is also Calm, but has a Bit of a Playful tone to it ... Love this World!
Checkered Tile Path .. I loveee the Music here!!! I especially Love the visuals As well ... A checkered Path that seems To be suspended In the Sky, A warped Purple Cloud looming in the background, The trees All dotted along the path too ... Perfectly nails the Dreamlike atmosphere!
The Mall is a Place I find interesting Because of its points Of interest ... There's Tokuto-kun's room and O-man's Room, both of Which I adore, but this Area in particular Is my favorite of the Entire world! Madotsuki enjoys a Wonderful rooftop view and ... Sometimes a cat May appear! How cute ^_^! This Place is Also home to the Witch's Flight Event, an event I Adore!
The Witch's Island is a Fairly deep World! Upon entrance, The player will be Greeted with Numerous witches standing Besides the water ... Did you know that if You use the Cat effect on them, Large holes will appear On their faces As they are pulled towards You ? First time I did that, I was like O_o ... It is a bit unsettling ... The Structures on the water Are my Favorite quality Of this world, I find their Designs intruiging, that is Why they Are in the screencap Above! The music that plays Here is also Eerie and forboding ... It makes for a Wonderful atmosphere!