Ouuu ... I still adore this one .... Real lovely drawing 2 Represent the real lovely area That is the Floral Vortex ....
I was planning 2 go 4 a Painterly look but i cant Paint 2 save my lifeeeee LOL so I went the linart way As I always do ..... Though I colored and Blended parts of the Lineart so that It had some sort of Unique look 2 it O_o ....

I drew this one for Myself 4 my birthday LOL .... I loveeeee Drawing Uro with the cake effect !!!!!!!!

Remembered Flying Fish World existed ... Revisited it .... fell in Love with it again .... Sighs so LOUDLY and stares Into the horizon .... Why is this world So beautiful?!?!?! My favorite part is the Music .... Calming and droning ..... The entirety of the World sort of feels like some kind of Afterlife 2 me ....
I call this one "I Dreamed of the Universe" which derives from the wallpaper of the same Name :P ...

A rather Sketchy-looking Urotsuki due to the fact I drew this in JSPaint with my Finger while in Biology class LOL ... That class Made me Yawn and stuff but At least it Bored me enough to Doodle on JSPaint :P ....

Did you know that becoming a Boy grants you a Cool sweater with a large "B" on it and Also some sick new Kicks???? They just don't tell you This kinda of Stuff ever .....

Only TRUE RIQO OGS WILL REMEMBER ..... I drew these all 4 My old Yume Nikki shrine LOL .... It was really Nice but i Came to the realization that As time went On i would Have probably wanted to Redraw and redraw And redraw these and i was like YAWNNNNN i dont Want that so I took them out ...... I still treasure These though ^_^

A rare two Drawings in one day ... Woa!!!!!! The first is a Redraw of THISSSS the second is a drawing 4 Deep Dreams :D I think it was around this time when one Of my loveliest Friends guided me through Deep Dreams so I can get a handful of effects and badges ... It was so fun Thank you if U r reading this !!!!!!!!!!!!!!
This was also the Day i Tested out a new shading style Inspired by another One of my Loveliest friends .... Even 2 this day I still stick to this way Of shading YAY!!!!!!!!

A really freaking cool Wayne ... This was around the time Absent Moon came out and It rocked so much I reverted back 2 My Hylics brainrot and i Drew this Yay!!!!!! I still really adore this One i think It goes Insane 8) !!!!

Another rather Simplistic JSPaint Urotsuki .... It was just a quick doodle But I like how Joyous she looks with the cake Effect!!!!

I drew this for 2kki's anniversary :P!!!!!!!! What better way to celebrate Then with the cake girl and that other girl Who might just eat Urotsuki's cake at any given moment?!?!!??! Love this one dearly!!!

Although a Lot of people like 2 think of Smile-san being the SCARY CREEPY GUY IN FLYING FISH WORLD EEEEK!!!!!!!!!!! I think he and Urotsuki would be friends LOL . Due to the nature of His event involving Urotsuki using the telephone effect, maybe she just did a Super Funny prank call that Made him laugh sooooo Hard . That is why i Drew this LOL !!!!!
Even further ... this Prank call is directed towards Oni Musume!!!! Her dad Yume, who can be found chilling in Tapir-San's place, has apparently been launched into Space and She seems to be very Distressed by this ....

Colette and Edgar !!!!!!! I rlly love their dynamic cuz its like Crazy freaking Lady!!!!!!! and her Emo teenager best friend !!!!!! TBH drawing this Made me appreciate their Designs so much More bcuz it was Rlly fun to draw them ... I especially Liked drawing all of Colette's buckles Like why does she have so much? IDK but They R fun 2 draw ... Oh also Edgar's scarf was fun too YAY I love them both!!!!!!!

Wowie another lineless Drawing!!!! I'm gonna be honest Drawing this made me So mad because I am bad at managing Layers when it comes To lineless LOL ... Lineart save Me Save me lineart .....
Despite the Process making my eye twitch . I still Really love the Dreaminess in this drawing .. Perfect for Sandy and his character!!!!

Three drawings in one day WOW!!!!! Here are their titles in Order: "Lemons" (Since its inspired by Lemon World) , "Love" (Since its inspired by Love Lodge) , and "Nightfall Park" (Cuz its inspired by .... Nightfall Park LOL!) . The first 2 were made with Tuxpaint and that was my first Time using the program! Its real fun U should try it Out if you'd like!!! I felt that the Sort of roughness (Pixelness??? LOL) of The brushes were perfect for drawing stuff from Aediorugap's sector ... I used Medibang for the last one so I could accurately execute the Melancholy i get from Kontentsu's worlds ESPECIALLY from Nightfall Park .... It's shaded ... It's blurred .... It's got a Static filter ... Um it also uses a Lake photo I found on google LOL!!!!
Did you know the "Lemons" drawing was actually used for the Yume 2kki google search for a Good chunk of time?!?!?!? When I found out i was so Happy :D!!!! Of course, it has changed by now but still ... I'm glad I was briefly famous LOL .... Here's a picture So you can see!

My good friend on Yume Nikki Online told me about this game, Lily's Well!!! I watched a Playthrough of it and it ROCKED so I drew this ..... I felt the Default saturated colors Of Tuxpaint would match the Theme of the drawing PERFECTLY because Lily's design is pretty Saturated on its own! Even better ... I found a wacky TV filter effect and that matched as well !!!!
(P.S try to close up Or Open the image Fully if U think the filter is Wacking up the drawing LOL!!!!)

Drew this for Yume Nikki's anniversary!!! 1st is Mado partying it up with some Neon World creatures and the 2nd is a gift 4 her ..... A Jellyfish plush :D!!!!!!
You may notice that Mado's skirt Looks a bit more puffed Out in the first drawing And i did this to Resemble the Jellyfish guys U can see around the Dream world ..... Clever but it Didn't stick Into future drawings LOL!!!

Around this Time i remembered you can draw stuff in Animal Jam so i tried My hand at it ..... It was really Freaking awesome!!!! TBH The only limitations that I find ANNNOYYYINGGGGG is how the Colors work BUT I will cover that in the next Drawing LOL . That's why I wanted to make this drawing Monochrome .... And what Better way to express that then To draw Something of the Gazillion monochrome Worlds 2kki has????? For those Who are curious, this Drawing depicts the Escherian Passage in Monochrome Mansion :D!!!!!

Another AJ Paint drawing!!!! The process for this One was pretty fun TBH .... FIRST! This drawing is Very much inspired by the Kura Puzzle "My Name" . SECOND! I really wanted To capture all the Colors in the original Image but ALAS .... AJ Paint has a Very limiting palette ... Also getting that Lovely gradient would have been Hard to pull off as Well LOL . THIRD! My fav part Was drawing the Very layered Shapes surrounding Urotsuki but oh my GOODNESS did It hurt my hand .... That's kindof on me Though i Should have taken Breaks but IDK my brain was like ...Oug...Shapes .....
This one remains my Favorite AJ drawing though :D!!!!!!

More of my AJ Paint shenanigans .... I decided to draw Coffeeman's room again!!!! In my last Coffeeman drawing, i just Focused on the guy Himself and some elements of his Room ... Though due to the PURPLE DISEASE in which I turn all my Drawings on Medibang PURPLE I felt I didn't truly express his Room too well .... So i made This! This time i Found the limiting pallette useful LOL . Coffeeman's room itself Has those simplistic, kinda Saturated colors so it Worked well .... oh AND i included the Drinking bird this time!!! That's my fav part of his Room YAY!!!!!!!!
(P.S. drawing The checkered Tiles on the floor SUCKED cuz I had everything on Top drawn Already LOL ... Lots of tweaking Was done There ....)

I drew this one as a Reference! I noticed In a lot of my Urotsuki drawings, the colors Would be Different each time ... This is No problem TBH but 4 me i Wanted it to stay Consistent .... I couldn't Keep it that way Bcuz i always Put a gazillion Overlay filters Over my drawings So i couldnt Just eye drop it and Go LOL !!!! Not only did I set a palette for Uro, but for Mado and Sabi as well cuz Ummm why not LOL ....
In this reference Specifically, I gave Urotsuki lighter Hair to Closer match her wacky Hair color In-game (Which TBH is Such a tricky Color cuz I see it drawn differently ALL The time in fanarts LOL???) ... though TBH i Might just go back to Brown hair Uro cuz I love it so much LOL ....

Rooftops ..... Rooftops is such an Interesting world 2 me and i Can't really explain Why LOL .... I'm sure Many just view it as a Transitional world since it's along the Route for Undersea Temple but IDK this place is Just rlly Special . Remember how I said Flying Fish World sort of seems like Some kind of afterlife 2 me??? I feel the Same for Rooftops too And i think This is cuz both Worlds use the same Background music LOL!!!!!!
I call this one "Past and Present" bcuz theres this Wacky creature that Floats around which Closely resembles an Opabinia .... IDK if that was Intentional or not But i Love it!!!!!! That Opabinia thing is my fav Part of the world That's why it's a big Part of this drawing YAY!!!!!!!!!

Another AJ Paint drawing!!!!! Sepia Clouds World is a place that Follows a pretty Monochromatic color palette so of course .. I drew it on Animal Jam!!!! I wanted to Depict all 3 of the Wacky creatures in this World but i could only fit 2 LOL sorry Other creature ....