The first Drawing is Actually my first ever digital art Of Yume Nikki ^_^ Looking back at this im like WHOA I drew Mado's hair like totes different ...... I even drew the pattern On her sweater ACCURATELY like what?!??!!?!??!?!? But now I just draw it plain black bcuz im too lazy to Draw it like it is In the game LOLLL ... I like 2 look Back on this one to See how far my version Of Mado has gone :P !!!
Second is Remilia Scarlet :-D!!!!! The pose she is doing Is likeeee inspired by that one pose she Does in EoSD and stuff . That game rlly Makes me grind my teeth Especially Sakuya's stage LOL!!!!

Drew Madotsuki over the tbh creature Thing image bcuzzzzz It was funny . I remember that b4 i had twitter (Which i deleted Now dont look 4 My account cuz its ..GONE!!!!) I saw this reposted on there But the twitter Person gave me CREDIT?!?!?? Thank U twitter person ..............

Character I made 4 the Yume Nikki fangame I was BREWING in my MIND ... her name is Sunny ^_^ . I kindof Ummm forgot what I had planned 4 it LOL but I do remember It was supposed to be a More lighthearted Fangame ... Yay ^_^ . As of now I am still BREWING a fangame in my MIND And its cooler And awesomer But not as Lighthearted and theres a New protagonist So shes NOT Sunny . Sorry Sunny ur a retired Character now ..........

My player character from Pokemon Legends Arceus :-D !!!! I gave her a Goomy mask bcuz Lian was like my fav character In the game and He had a goomy and Stuff and bcuz of that i Just had 2 add a Goodra into my Team which was easy 2 do bcuz There was an Alpha Goodra spawn likeeee Somewhere in the Coronet Highlands so yea . 2 this day the Goomy evolution Line is like my favvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvv ever Bcuz of Lian LOVE U LIAN !!!!!!!!!
Oh also at this time My username was Riqored . True riqo OGs will remember This ....

Drawing of Irida, her Glaceon, and Cirno !!!!!! Three very Icy people !!!!!!!!! Well Irida isn't rlly that Icy but she lives in an Icy place also if she Lives in an Icy place why does She wear clothes That make her look like Shes about 2 chill at the beach ...... Like how is she not an Ice cube right now?!?!!??!?!!?

My OC!!!!!!! Her name is DOLLY bcuz shes a DOLL ..... In her most Recent iterations She looks more like a Ball jointed doll Instead of like a plush doll Now and ummmmm Im still BREWING up a story 4 Her ..... trust me Guys its rlly Cool and Awesome its just Simmering in my MIND . Also she used to Have a Last name, "Starr", but I dont rlly Use it anymore LOL ... I also Got that last name from Brawl Stars LOL i rlly Love that game ....
I still REALLY Love how this drawing Was formatted ..... and like Just look at Dolly she is sooooooo Cute Man i need 2 Draw her again!!!!

Chimata Tenkyuu!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I love her design So much !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! The Cloud sky in her cape Was a picture i found after Scrolling like 3 times on Google images LOL . OH also this Was the first time I changed Up my shading Style so that it Looks more BLENDED .... This would eventually Influence my later Art ... myself ... and the WORLD ........

Poniko ......... I remember I was going 4 A super duper cool Saturated look here but TBH I dont rlly like it That much anymore Sorry younger me . Also Back then I interpreted Uboa's darker parts As like hair????? TBH I see it more Goop-like now LOL . Beauty of Yume Nikki's ambiguity ........ Maybe it IS hair ... Maybe it isn't ..... Who knows .........

Kirby except .... LINELESS KIRBY?!?!?! I don't rlly Do lineless that much Bcuz its hard LOL but I still did It anyways for this drawing !!!!

Meta Knight ..... I still RLLY like this one bcuz This is when I started making My shading look MORE blended than Ever Before ..... Also bcuz Meta Knight is undeniably Cool SRSLY does he Know how cool he is???? I hope So .....

Crossover art of Kirby and Madotsuki!!!!!! I remember when I first started playing Kirby and the Forgotten Land I kept calling the abilities Effects LOL .... my Yume Nikki brain . This is still So awesome I need 2 make More crossover Art of my favs Chilling and Having fun .....

Lily White!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Did U know Lily White is like my FAV touhou ever she is Soooooooo Joyous ......... I rlly Love her design too So i HAD to Draw her .....

Daroach!!!!! I was looking at the Many many characters from Kirby and Daroach rlly stuck .... I love that guy so I had 2 draw him LOL ... Also This drawing is Inspired by This Figure ... Wow!!!!!!

Plated Snow Country aka the BEST minigame in 2kki ... (Though I also rlly love the Kura Puzzles LOL) It's got that classic Zenmaigahara flair where Everything is a mix of Cute and Creepy ... I wanted to put ALL the npcs Here at some point Cuz they have such AWESOME designs But I decided to just Stick with the Chaser and Frozen girl instead LOL!
I think this Was my first digital Drawing of Uro? Nothing too wacky .. Just her and her Wolf effect :P !!!!

Art 2 celebrate Yume Nikki's 18th anniversary!!!! Look at how happy Mado is yay!!!!!!
Also! Her little party hat is supposed to Look like one of the cones in the Pink Sea LOL .... Since they're Literally the Same shape i just HAD to put that in :P!!!
It was around this Time that I first visited Magical Passage in Yume 2kki ...... What a wonderful route!!! It's still my favorite 2 this Day!!!! I adore Moriwo's worlds ... This drawing was 2 Commemorate Eyeball Cherry Fields, Foliage Estate, and Magical Passage!
I call this one "Broken Face Friends" ... Despite the dark Atmosphere of Broken Faces Area, I really adore the NPCs and creatures chilling around There! My fav is Surimuki which is Why shes at the Center .... Love U Surimuki ....
It was around this Time that I first visited Static Labyrinth .. Can you believe that there's Another connection There now?!?!!? I really adore This route ... qxy makes Some real Awesome stuff .... Surgical Scissors World rlly struck Me bcuz of its Strong atmosphere ... The music Combined with the Visuals had me unsettled, But in a RLLY cool Way!!!!! That's Why i Drew this!!!!
Ah .... Coffeeman's room .... In a bleak World such as Deserted Town, this Was a super Nice change of Atmosphere ... One moment You are are walking Around a dark, Lonely town Holding on long Beyond it's Lively Years and the next ... You are getting Coffee in this wacky Little place!!!! Goodness I love it so much!!!!! I had 2 draw it ... Coffeeman Has a cute design too ....
Interestingly enough .. I didn't Actually visit the guy! I was watching a Video of the route to the Depths as it was Around this time that Wataru's worlds were Still removed from the game ... Did you notice I made this drawing Exactly 1 month before He announced He was going to add Them back??? I basically predicted It YAWNNNNNN its hard being A Clairvoyant .....
I drew this on the Exact day Wataru's worlds came back to 2kki :D!!!!! This one represents the Planetarium and the dreaminess It gives off 2 me ..... I've always adored the room Before the actual entrance To the planetarium The Most because Of the really Pretty panorama in the back LOL .... the Background of this drawing is Directly inspired by that!!! :D
A big batch of Urotsukis .... The First one depicts Bridged Swamp Islands ... I imported this Image into medibang and Tacked some sparkles onto It and TBH IDK why i did that LOL it's still Real lovely on its Own ... Doing all the Hatching and making the Little cutouts to Stick onto the background was so Fun though :D ! The fourth one Also depicts Mushroom world .. Thats why Uro is chilling with the little mushroom Guys that waddle around the place LOL!!!!

Here is Betty! I made her for a Little Halloween event in a Discord server with a Bunchof my friends :-P .... Her design Is real cute but I am yet to Draw her again?!?!?! I need 2 do her Justice my Goodness!!!!!!
FUN FACT she is Loosely inspired by Appururi from Yume 2kki ... 2kki has Occupied so Much of my Heart and Brain its hard NOT to be Inspired by it LOL ....
A JSPaint doodle of Mado :D!!! This one Is Inspired by Crossover Garden AKA my favorite Location in Yume Nikki!!!!!!!!! :P It was interesting 2 draw with White against a Dark background as I dont often Do that but it was Fun!!!!
A big batch of ... Usotsukis?!?!??! This was around the Time i first Found out about Yume Nisshi and i LOVEDDDDDDDDDDDDD IT i still do To this day Its my 2nd fav fangame :D !!!!!!! First depicts Uso's Horns effect, second is her Snow Bug effect, and the third is a Combination of the Nail Bat and Sack effects which is NOT a thing in Game I just thought It would be cool LOL !!!!!!!

Crossover Garden again LOL ... I just love That place dearly ... I wanted to Incorporate a bit more of YN's dreaminess so ummmm IDK I tacked some Stars and Moons in there LOL ....

Mado and a handful of Cute characters U can see around her Dreams :P!!!! We've got Tokuto-kun, Ittan-momen (WOW I didn't know it had A name until now LOL), and Medamaude!!!!!
(P.S. the centering Is a little off Cuz i wasn't aware Yet that you could Change the size of JSPaint canvases LOL!!!!!!!)

Mandy! This was around When the Candyland Season was new and i was Sooooo hyped 4 the new Brawlers ..... Ignore how i Didn't draw her MAJESTIC Cape LOL ....

Mandy and Chester :P One of my fav duos So i haddddd 2 draw them ... Their designs R real fun too!!!!
I drew Mandy's cape this time!!!! Woohoo!!!!!!!