Yume 2kki

Yume 2kki is a collaborative Yume Nikki fangame created on May 26th, 2007, as fan-made sequel! It is actually the first ever Yume Nikki fangame ever created, and is usually described as the one that started it all. Much like its predecessor, Yume 2kki is centered around traversing the dream world of Urotsuki and collecting all 36 effects hidden within them. 2kki goes beyond just gathering all the effects, however. There are even more collectables that come in the form of Wallpapers, Kura Puzzles, Menu Themes, Vending Machine Snacks, all the songs in the Soundtrack, and more! Having full completion within this game is not an easy thing to do. With over 850+ maps to explore, it will take lots of time to see what the entirety of 2kki has to offer! The game remains a massive work in progress and is still being updated to this day!
